Most of us develop stubborn pockets of fat with age. Sometimes, these problem areas can be mitigated by adopting a healthful diet and a consistent exercise regime. Other times, however, it seems that no matter how much kale you consume or hours you devote to the gym, these pockets of fat do not budge. It is incredibly frustrating for patients. This is one of the many reasons why liposuction is one of my favorite procedures. I love the fact that it is so effective, allowing me to precisely sculpt a patient’s body contour into his or her ideal proportion. It is also incredibly versatile. I can liposuction excess fat almost anywhere on your body including the:
- Abdomen
- Flanks
- Hips
- Thighs
- Arms
- Knees
- Chin
- Neck
When it comes to delivering an exemplary result, my experience and skill are of utmost importance. But so is managing your expectations. This includes explaining what to realistically expect in terms of both your results and recovery, and being upfront and honest about the cost of your liposuction in Boston.
How Much Does Liposuction Cost?
The cost of your liposuction procedure is going to depend on a number of factors. These include:
- Area or areas being addressed
- Whether procedure is performed under local or general anesthesia?
- Is Renuvion® also being performed for skin tightening?
- Is liposuction a stand-alone procedure or being combined with another surgical procedure?
For my Boston area patients, the cost of a liposuction procedure is really going to depend on the amount of time that it will take me to correct your body contouring issues. For example, excising excess fat in your neck is going to cost less than re-contouring your abdomen and waist. The former will run anywhere from $3,500 – $4,500 while the latter ranges from $7,000 – $9,000.
Local Anesthesia versus General Anesthesia
One of the biggest determining factors when it comes to cost, other than my time, is anesthesia. Some liposuction procedures can be safely performed under local anesthesia in the office. This means no separate anesthesiologist fee. I numb the treatment area with a local anesthetic and tumescent. Tumescent is dilute lidocaine. This works extremely well for small areas of extra fat such as under the chin and around the neck. However, I will also often perform liposuction of the abdomen and waist under local anesthesia.
Whether or not your liposuction procedure can be performed under local anesthesia is going to depend on the:
- Volume of fat that needs to be removed
- Amount of overall time required to produce ideal result
Obviously, these two factors work hand in hand. The higher the volume of fat to be removed, the more time it will take. In general, my rule of thumb with local anesthesia is that the overall time must be under 2 hours. My first priority with any procedure is the safety of my patient. So, when general anesthesia is necessary, I will let you know.
Renuvion® for Skin Tightening
Another variable that can affect how much your liposuction procedure will cost is whether or not I think adding a Renuvion® procedure for skin tightening will be beneficial. One of the only downsides to liposuction is that while it is an excellent procedure for addressing excess fat, it cannot address loose, sagging skin. Not only that, but it may even contribute to the problem. If you think of your abdomen, for example, like a balloon, I can liposuction away some of the air inside. But if the outside “tissue” has weakened with:
- Age
- Over-stretching due weight gain/loss
- Pregnancy
You will be left with a flatter stomach, but one that may have unsightly wrinkles of sagging skin. This is why in cases where the skin and tissues exhibit moderate to severe sagging, I may recommend a tummy tuck. However, when there is just a mild to moderate degree of weakness in the skin, Renuvion® can be a game-changer. This cutting-edge, non-surgical procedure uses radiofrequency (RF) waves that have been energized by helium gas to tighten and smooth out the skin and tissues in the treatment area. I have found that the 1-2 punch of liposuction and Renuvion® can deliver a truly life-altering result.
Liposuction Combined with Another Procedure
While liposuction can be a fantastic stand-alone procedure, I will often combine it with a non-surgical procedure, such as Renuvion®, or another surgical procedure like a tummy tuck. It may seem like overkill to add liposuction to your abdominoplasty, but it is not. I take a 360° approach to every body contouring issue. So, while a tummy tuck will lift and flatten the abdomen, I will frequently use liposuction to smooth out the transition to your hips and/or flanks. The goal is to restore an ideal proportion to your entire torso.
When you think about why you are bothered by lumps and bumps, it is because they distort your body proportion. The human eye likes a smooth, fluid contour. So, if yours is making you feel jagged, make an appointment to come in and speak with me about liposuction. It really is worth the cost.
To find out more about the cost of liposuction with Dr. Sean Doherty at his Boston or Brookline office, contact us today or call (617) 450.0070 to schedule a consultation.