There’s no denying that once you decide to undergo a breast augmentation procedure, there are plenty of other decisions that need to be made. From choosing the right plastic surgeon to picking out the implant type and size, it can often feel like your research is turning up a lot more questions about breast augmentation than you initially realized.
One of the most important questions includes deciding where the implants should be placed: over or under the chest muscle. The chest muscle is also known as the pectoralis muscle.
While there’s no straightforward answer as to which placement is best, a board certified plastic surgeon can help you determine which implant placement makes sense for you.
No two women are the same, which is why you and your plastic surgeon will carefully consider where the breast implant should be placed. The following factors may play into where your implants end up:
- For most women, the breast implants will be placed under the chest muscle. This placement produces the most natural-looking results, as the upper 2/3 of the implant will be covered by muscle and breast tissue.
- Some women who have moderate sagging issues will do well with implants that are placed above the chest muscle and underneath the breast gland. This placement of the breast implant helps to volumize the breast while lifting the appearance of the nipple and the whole breast.
- Muscular women may want to place the implant above the chest muscle so that it does not interfere with their exercises.
There may be some other anatomic reasons as to why the breast implants won’t be placed below the chest muscle. These patients do better with implants under the breast gland because of the shape of their upper chest or rib cage. It’s just another reason why individuals should schedule a breast augmentation consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon.
Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Sean Doherty specializes in breast augmentation in the greater Boston, MA area. Schedule a breast augmentation consultation with Dr. Doherty at his downtown Boston office today or call (617) 450.0070!