Boston men, listen up – it’s time to stop using the words “man boobs.” If you’re struggling with excessive breast tissue, you could have a condition known as gynecomastia. While the jury’s still out about what specifically causes gynecomastia (it’s usually attributed to genetics, weight gain, loose skin, and/or the aging process), there are surgical procedures that can be used to minimize the appearance of man boobs.
If you’re considering surgery for gynecomastia, there are two routes you can take: liposuction or surgical excision. In order to determine which surgical procedure is right for you, it’s important to schedule a consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon. During this consultation, you’ll be provided with a thorough evaluation where your medical history will be reviewed (some drugs can make gynecomastia symptoms worse).
If you have excessive fat in your chest, a liposuction procedure can be used to remove the fat tissue. This simple procedure can be performed under local anesthesia with minimal downtime. Patients will need to wear a compression vest for three weeks; at the end of the recovery period, you’ll see great contoured results. Your chest will be flatter after the removal of the excess fat.
Should your plastic surgeon determine that your gynecomastia or chest fullness is caused by excessive breast tissue, this tissue will need to be removed via surgical excision. A small incision will be made around the areola, which allows the plastic surgeon to access the breast tissue. This procedure would be done in the operating room. An incision is made around each areola, but the recovery period is minimal as well.
There are some men who will need a combination of the two treatments—both liposuction as well as excess breast tissue excision. These are easily done at the same time resulting in a smoother, contoured chest. Your plastic surgeon may also determine if you need skin excising treatments, which allows for removal of excess skin.
Ready to feel more confident about your chest? Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Sean Doherty specializes in treating gynecomastia in the greater Boston, MA area. Dr. Doherty has two offices in downtown Boston and Brookline, MA. Schedule a gynecomastia consultation with Dr. Doherty at his downtown Boston office today or call (617) 450.0070!