If you’re looking for a fast and effective way to rid your body of those stubborn bulges, then it’s time to introduce yourself to the new SculpSure procedure. This FDA-cleared treatment provides non-invasive body contouring and fat reduction in key areas that hold on to those stubborn bulges, specifically the waist and abdomen.
At board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Sean Doherty’s practice in downtown Boston, many of his patients are curious about what they can expect from their SculpSure treatment. As the Medical Director of Cynosure and a principal investigator in its FDA approval, Dr. Doherty is the go-to expert for questions regarding this innovative procedure.
So what can you expect from your SculpSure treatment?
First, expect to have your SculpSure treatment completed in record time. Each treatment takes about 25 minutes to perform per area. Up to four applicators can be used at one time for each treatment.
The applicators deliver heat using laser energy to target and destroy fat cells in the waist and abdomen, all while preserving healthy skin tissue. The destroyed fat calls are removed through normal metabolic systems, resulting in up to a 24% reduction of fat cells in the treatment area.
Dr. Doherty recommends that all patients should avoid exposure to the sun for up to seven days after treatment. Before the procedure patients should shave any thick hair that might be present at the treatment site.
Some patients may experience minor pain, swelling, and discomfort after their SculpSure treatment. Patients can treat this discomfort with Tylenol or ibuprofen as needed, or apply cold compresses to the area. These side effects tend to dissipate within 24 to 48 hours. Patients will be asked to massage the treated area twice per day for five minutes for 3-5 days, as doing so can expedite the fat removal process.
Additionally, it’s important to stay hydrated and engage in light physical activity to mobilize the disrupted fat. Dr. Doherty recommends six to eight glasses of water per day.
Some patients see results in three weeks, most patients see results in six weeks. Some patients need one SculpSure treatment per area, but most patients have a better result with two treatments done every six weeks.
To learn more about this remarkable body contouring treatment, schedule a SculpSure Boston consultation with Dr. Doherty at his downtown Boston office.