Breast augmentation remains one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in the country today.
While new technologies have helped reduce the overall recovery time for liposuction and face lifts, breast augmentation still requires a significant recovery period. Fortunately, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Sean Doherty ensures that the recovery process is a smooth and manageable one, meaning you’ll be well on your way to enjoy your new shape.
Take a look at the recovery process after a breast augmentation at one of Dr. Doherty’s practices, located in downtown Boston and Brookline, MA.
Directly After the Procedure
You’ll wake up from a nice sleep in the operating room, where a nurse will take you to the recovery room. You’ll be feeling tired and groggy from the anesthesia, but this typically wears off within an hour. During that time, the recovery nurses will closely monitor you to ensure you’re not in any pain or discomfort. If you do have any pain, you’ll be given medicine to manage your symptoms. You’ll be wearing a surgical bra to help reduce swelling from your new breasts.
After a few hours, you’ll be discharged and allowed to go home. Make sure you continue wearing your bra once you’re home. Also, ensure you walk around and eat normally after surgery. While you’re not allowed excessive exercise, you can still use your hands and arms.
The First Night
You should expect to feel discomfort during the first night after your procedure. This is especially true if you had the implants placed underneath your chest muscles. Dr. Doherty typically prescribes pain pills and muscle-relaxing pills to help ease this discomfort, allowing you to get a good night’s sleep.
After the first day, you can resume normal activities; however, you still should refrain from exercise.
24 to 48 Hours After the Procedure
After 24 to 48 hours, you can remove your surgical bra and dressing in order to shower. Be sure to replace the surgical bra once you’re done. At this time, you’ll have a follow-up appointment with Dr. Doherty to have him assess your results and confirm that you’re healing well.
Contact Dr. Doherty Today
Call (617) 450.0070 for more information.