One of my favorite things about liposuction is its versatility. This is a procedure that can be performed practically any place on the body where there is an abundance of “pinchable” fat. This is the kind of fat that you can grab and pull as opposed to visceral fat which is located deep in your tissues and which can only be addressed through changes in diet and exercise. However, an important thing to keep in mind when it comes to fat is that everybody needs it.
Fat keeps our skin smooth. But you only want that necessary fat in the right places as just a little pocket of excess fat in the wrong spot has the power to completely throw off your body proportion. In my practice, liposuction is a tool for restoring body harmony by creating the appropriate peaks and valleys for your unique anatomy. Great for both men and women, here are the 9 most common areas for liposuction by gender.

3 Most Popular Liposuction Spots for Men in Boston
In general, men are less likely to seek an aesthetic surgical solution than women. But men are also starting to embrace aesthetic procedures as there is less of a stigma attached to caring about their looks. Liposuction is often their entryway to the benefits of surgery. They like the fact that it is a one-and-done procedure, meaning it doesn’t require multiple sessions and that the results are far superior to what’s achievable with any of the non-surgical fat reduction techniques. In my Boston area practices, the 3 most popular liposuction areas for men are:
- Chest
- Lower abdomen
- Flanks
With the chest, I may choose liposuction as a stand-alone procedure for improving gynecomastia, an incredibly common condition for men of all ages, or as an addendum to male chest reduction surgery, also known as gynecomastia surgery. Liposuction of the lower abdomen and flanks is probably the best way to reduce the appearance of a “spare tire.” Even my most fit patients can suffer from pockets of fat in these three spots.
Favorite Liposuction Areas for Women
As mentioned, women are more inclined to consider a surgical solution than men. However, one of the things that I often need to clarify with my patients is that liposuction is a body contouring procedure, not a weight loss procedure. When you get on the scale after your recovery period, the needle may not move much. This ties back to what I mentioned about the goal of liposuction which is to re-sculpt your body into its ideal contour. Depending on your anatomy and needs, we may not be removing a large quantity of fat. I like to make sure that patients are properly prepared for this as I’ve found that appropriate expectations are fundamental to a happy outcome.
Since women are more apt to embrace surgery, there are 5 common liposuction treatment areas for women in my Boston clinics:
- Abdomen
- Waist
- Upper arms
- Outer & inner thighs
- Knees
360° Approach is Critical
Regardless of gender, I take a 360° approach with any liposuction patient. This means that I am always looking at your body as a whole. If we remove excess fat from the lower abdomen, for example, does this affect your flanks or hips? No one spot exists in isolation. During your initial consultation, I will listen closely to what annoys you about your body and perform a thorough physical exam. Then, together, we will discuss the best treatment plan for achieving your desired outcome. While liposuction does require some effort in terms of recovery, most patients are so thrilled with their results that it is barely a minor annoyance in retrospect.
To learn more about liposuction or any other surgical or non-surgical procedure with Dr. Sean Doherty at his Boston or Brookline office, contact us today or call (617) 450-0070 to schedule a consultation.