Happy 2018 -it’s a New Year, and you’re ready to make the most of it!
For many folks, the New Year means resolutions -and for you, that means finally feeling comfortable in your own skin. If you’ve been struggling to get rid of unwanted fat (despite following a healthy diet and exercise regimen), it’s time to make 2018 the year you finally discover the power of liposuction.
Whether you’re still researching your liposuction options or are on the verge of booking the appointment, here’s what you need to know about liposuction for the New Year in Boston:
- In order to be considered a candidate for liposuction, it’s important to be in your best health. That means being a non-smoker who already follows a healthy lifestyle. Keep in mind that liposuction isn’t a weight-loss solution; rather, it’s best for candidates who are already within 20-30 pounds of their ideal weight but are having a hard time removing some certain areas of fat.
- Liposuction is more of a contouring solution. For example, if you’ve been working out but you can’t seem to lose that ring of fat around your stomach, liposuction can help with that. Another example is if you’re genetically predisposed to carrying fat underneath your chin; you may have that fat tissue even if you load up your plate with veggies.
- Better skin leads to better lipo results. If you have good or excellent skin laxity, you’ll see great results from your procedure. Candidates who have poor skin laxity can still undergo liposuction, but they’ll usually need to pair it with a skin-tightening procedure.
- Liposuction can be combined with other surgical procedures; in fact, some candidates even combine liposuction with breast augmentation or a breast lift for a total body makeover.
*Each patient is unique and individual results may vary
Ready to make 2018 your best year yet? Schedule a liposuction consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Sean Doherty at his plastic surgery practices in downtown Boston (Newbury Street) or in Brookline, MA. (617) 450.0070.