Like it or not, we are living in a world where technology rules. While the pandemic may have ramped up “screen” use, chances are that you were already spending a lot of time looking at yourself through the lens of a camera. This shift in habits has placed the neck center stage, pulling our attention to an area of the body that used to be ignored. And as we all know, too much focus can lead to unhappiness. Furthermore, constantly looking down to check your feed and tilting your head in funny ways to get that perfect “selfie” angle takes a physical toll on the skin, tissues, and muscles of the neck. It’s a delicate area which is why tech neck is a real phenomenon. So, the question “Is it a bad camera angle, or do I need a neck lift” is an important one to ask. And at the end of the day, only you can answer it. But here are some things to keep in mind when it comes to rejuvenating your neck.

Neck Anatomy 101
If you suddenly feel as if your neck has aged a decade in the last few years, you are not alone. Stress and anxiety are never kind to the skin and tissues anywhere on the body, but those of the neck are particularly vulnerable. The skin here is thinner than on your face. This means that it has more elasticity, allowing it to stretch and reform with your movements. But it also means that it’s more vulnerable to the elements such as sun, wind, and cold. It endures the same wear and tear as the skin on your face, but with less resiliency. It also may not be getting as much TLC when it comes to skincare. This can make for a perfect “aging” storm.
Furthermore, the vertebrae in your neck are not typical joints. They move in all directions. This is what allows you to get into that perfect selfie pose. But it’s also what puts a lot of strain on the skin and tissues which will eventually result in:
- Vertical bands
- Horizontal lines
- Loose, sagging skin
It’s a misconception that neck rejuvenation is only for older patients. Based on genetics and lifestyle choices, aging issues in the neck can start to appear for some in their early 20s.
Surgical Neck Lift Is No Longer the Only Option
The good news is that when it comes to treating the neck, a surgical neck lift is no longer the only option. I offer my Boston area patients a wide range of non-surgical neck rejuvenation procedures such as:
- Coolsculpting®
- SculpSure®
- Microneedling/RF
- Chin filler
- Jawline filler
The right one is going to depend on your specific issues. Generally, a non-surgical approach will require a combination of procedures. If you have excess fat in the neck, Coolsculpting® and SculpSure® are both very effective. I typically prefer the latter as it uses heat which may deliver a slight tightening effect to the skin. Appropriately placed filler in the chin and/or jawline can also deliver more definition at the chin/neck juncture which can make your neck look longer and leaner. Microneedling/RF is fantastic for improving skin texture issues such as:
- Sun damage
- Redness
- “Crepey” skin
Patients are always amazed at how much better they feel with smoother-looking skin. It’s one of those little things that can pack a powerful punch which is why radiofrequency, laser, and skin care are all so rejuvenating.
Neck Lift vs. Non-Surgical Neck Rejuvenation
So, how do you know if you need a neck lift vs. non-surgical neck rejuvenation? It’s really going to come down to how much you are bothered by the appearance of your neck, the degree of sagging in the area, and your tolerance for downtime. I always encourage anyone who is considering an aesthetic procedure to schedule an in-person consultation with a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon. You want to find someone with a lot of experience, who offers the full range of neck rejuvenation options. Otherwise, you may get “sold” on a procedure that isn’t right for your needs because it’s the only thing on offer.
Unfortunately, there is no definitive test to determine if someone needs a surgical neck lift. Typically, if a patient comes to me complaining of a “turkey neck”, this suggests a surgical approach. Non-surgical neck rejuvenation can address a mild to moderate degree of loose skin, but a neck lift is always going to be the gold standard for getting rid of “jowling”. However, as I already mentioned, everyone’s tolerance is different. What may bother you about your neck may not bother someone else. It’s personal.
Minimally Invasive Neck Rejuvenation Options
Today, there is also a middle ground when it comes to treating the neck. Minimally invasive procedures such as:
- Thread Lift
- Liposuction with RF
These straddle the fence between a surgical and non-surgical approach. A thread lift does involve a few incisions, but they are so small that they don’t even require stitches. The recovery is going to be easier than one from a neck lift. However, the results typically only last about 8 months to a year. This is the trade-off. Liposuction with RF or radiofrequency allows me to address a larger degree of fat with more precision while also delivering a mild tightening effect. Again, there will be a few small incisions, but they typically heal quickly without the need for stitches. There is also a recovery period for liposuction.
So, if your neck is all you can see on that Zoom call with work, it may be time to show it some love. To find out more about a neck lift, or any surgical or non-surgical procedure with Dr. Sean Doherty at his Boston or Brookline office, contact us today or call (617) 450.0070 to schedule a consultation.