Mommy Makeover is a procedure with a slightly odd name. At its core, it’s a combination of two or more procedures including some type of breast surgery, and something to improve the appearance of the abdomen. Obviously, the moniker came about as these are two of the areas most affected by pregnancy and breastfeeding. However, I have many Mommy Makeover Boston patients who have never had children. I often get asked online: Is a Mommy Makeover expensive? Honestly, it is going to depend on what, exactly, we do to improve your body contour.
Mommy Makeover Consultation is Imperative
I am a big proponent of scheduling an in-person consultation before considering any kind of aesthetic work, whether surgical or non-surgical. It’s the best way for me to assess which procedure will best suit your:
- Anatomy
- Overall health
- Desired outcome
- Lifestyle
With a Mommy Makeover, the in-person consultation is truly imperative. I can’t tell you how many times a patient comes in thinking that she needs a mini-tummy tuck and breast implants because she has read about someone online who looks fantastic after this type of Mommy Makeover, but what she actually needs is a breast lift with fat grafting, full tummy tuck and a touch of liposuction. The internet is a fantastic tool for educating patients, but no two bodies are alike. Customizing the Mommy Makeover procedure to your unique needs is the key to the exemplary result that we both want.
Which Procedures Make Up a Mommy Makeover?
As mentioned, a Mommy Makeover can really be any combination of procedures. At my Boston area practices, this may include a:
- Breast Augmentation
- Breast Lift
- Mastopexy Augmentation
- Breast Reduction
- Fat Grafting to the Breast
- Tummy Tuck
- Mini Tummy Tuck
- Liposuction
However, I may also add Renuvion®. This is a non-surgical skin tightening procedure that works really well in combination with liposuction for patients with a mild to moderate degree of loose, sagging skin.
Benefits of a Mommy Makeover
I always take a 360° approach with all of my body contouring procedures. The nice thing with a Mommy Makeover, however, is that it allows me to address the totality of your contour irregularities at the same time. I get to re-sculpt your entire torso — lifting and excising loose skin and muscle, where appropriate, taking away excess fat, and, when necessary, adding back lost volume. Also, doing all of the work at one time means that you only have to go through one recovery. This is huge as time has become such a precious commodity for most of us.
The other major advantage of a Mommy Makeover is that there is only one anesthesia cost, and one surgery center/hospital cost. This, in turn, makes the Mommy Makeover combination less expensive than having each procedure done separately. For some patients, however, it may not be appropriate for both procedures to be performed at the same time. This is something that we would discuss and review at your initial consultation.
Mommy Makeover Cost
I pride myself on always being considerate and up-front about cost. While I can not give you an exact quote for a Mommy Makeover without examining you in-person, here is a cost breakdown of some of the most common procedures that I perform as part of a Mommy Makeover:
- Breast Augmentation: $9,000 – $11,000
- Mastopexy Augmentation: $16,000 – $18,000
- Liposuction (abdomen & waist): $5,500 – $8,500
- Tummy Tuck: $15,000 – $17,000
- Mini Tummy Tuck: $9,000 – $12,000
Every procedure has a cost range because certain patients are going to require more surgical time than others. If you have a lot of excess fat in your abdomen and waist, this will take longer to remove. Furthermore, certain breast implants are more expensive than others and/or some patients need fat grafting to the upper pole of the breast in order to deliver their desired look. All of these factors contribute to the total cost. Once I assess you in person, I can give you an accurate price for your Mommy Makeover.
Ideal Candidate for a Mommy Makeover

Now that you have a ballpark for the expense of a Mommy Makeover, the question is are you an ideal candidate? Honestly, any woman in good overall health who is bothered by two or more of the following:
- Loose skin & muscle in the abdomen
- Persistent pooch that doesn’t diminish with diet & exercise
- Sagging breasts
- Deflated breasts
- Breasts that are too large
- Pockets of excess fat on the waist, back, hips & flanks
You could be a good candidate for getting everything rejuvenated at once with a Mommy Makeover. Yes, it is a procedure that requires some time for recovery, but you only have to go through it once. This will save you time in the long run. And honestly, most women are so happy with their new reflection in the mirror that a bit of downtime is totally worth it. To find out more about a Mommy Makeover or any other surgical or non-surgical procedure with Dr. Sean Doherty at his Boston or Brookline office, contact us today or call (617) 450.0070 to schedule a consultation.